Andy Martin on the William Colby controversy

My comments on Bill Colby are really not political but they may be of some interest in assessing how I view foreign policy and military engagements. Rather than have someone “discover” my remarks I felt it was better to simply release them myself.

[Andy’s comments on]

Let me start by saying what these comments are not about.
I am not a film reviewer, so I am not reviewing the Colby film.
I do not know anything about Bill Colby’s family life. I have met one of Colby’s sons but only very casually and do not know him. Finally, I have no desire to exacerbate the pain of the Colby family.

I knew Bill Colby in Viet-Nam. Operation Phoenix was very controversial because when you kill large numbers of people, mistakes will inevitably be made. Bill Colby was am immensely moral man.

I was deep in the background during the Church Committee hearings and saw Colby from another angle.

Bill Colby did what he did in 1975 because of a deep loyalty and love for the CIA and for the clandestine community generally.

One of our most common human failings is our propensity to look backwards in time, and then filter the past through our current values and experiences.

Bill was a “company man” in the finest sense of the word. He loved the United States and he put his life on the line for the nation. Men of the World War II generation, who carried the greatest burden of the Cold War, were special men. They lost friends. Their own lives were disrupted. And, yes, these experiences hardened them to some degree. Those of us who came of age in the next generation were not immune to the hardening of senseless deaths, but we chose to deal with our feelings differently. That’s why you can’t look at the past through a prism calibrated in the present.

Bill Colby was and remains an authentic American hero. That’s the bottom line and that’s the only line. Whether he killed himself or died in an accident is irrelevant. He gave his life for his country.

Andy Martin

About Andy Martin

Andy Martin resides in Manchester, New Hampshire, where he is the state's leading corruption fighter (details: He has spent decades fighting corruption nationally and investigating around the world. He is the Executive Editor and publisher of E-mail: Media contact: (347) 960-9593. Andy is one of America’s most respected independent foreign policy, military and intelligence analysts. A Cold War veteran, he is a Middle East expert who is Executive Director of the Revolutionary War Research Center. He has spent over 50 years in and out of Asia and the Middle East and during much of 2003 lived in Baghdad. Andy created the anti-Obama movement in 2004 and is the author of the bestselling book "Obama: The Man Behind The Mask." © Copyright by Andy Martin 2019
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1 Response to Andy Martin on the William Colby controversy

  1. M. Leighty says:

    Perhaps war is so terrible because we don’t dwell on the horrors of it enough after the fact, but only just enough to justify to the tatters of our conscience what gets revealed.

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